Executive Board, Governing Council, Sub-Committees and Task Forces


The Executive Board shall have the role and powers under the Constitution of the Association including providing stewardship and trusteeship, strategic leadership, setting objectives and exercising all powers necessary to administer and manage, through the secretariat of the Association, the daily operational affairs and routine businesses of the Association so as to meet its objectives as may be approved from time to time by its members and the Executive Board.

The Executive Board is comprised of:

  • A President
  • A Vice President
  • An Honorary Secretary
  • An Honorary Treasurer; and
  • (up to) Eight Members

They are appointed by the Governing Council from amongst the members of the Governing Council or representatives of any one or more Full Members for a term of office of four years.


The Governing Council is made up of the Chairman or President of each of SGA’s Full Members. The Governing Council shall have the role and powers under the Constitution of the Association and primarily to govern on the overall policy of the Association.


The Sub-Committees are appointed by the Executive Board, and are integral components of the SGA’s internal structure. These committees are strategically organised within the Association to effectively manage various aspects of SGA.

The ten SGA Sub-Committees are:

  • Audit & Risk Sub-Committee
  • Engagement Sub-Committee
  • Finance and Investment Sub Committee
  • Governance & Compliance Sub-Committee
  • Handicap Sub-Committee
  • Junior Development Sub-Committee
  • Rules Sub-Committee
  • Sponsorship and Commercial Assets Sub-Committee
  • Tournament Sub-Committee
  • Training & Development Sub-Committee


SGA has two task forces which serve as external panels that play a critical role in addressing specific challenges or opportunities within the golfing community. Each task force is chaired by an Executive Board member and has a Special Advisor who provides guidance. Members are experts in various areas in the golf ecosystem and they contribute by bringing perspectives and insights to SGA.

The Golf Industry Development Task Force (GIDTF) consists of leaders and experts in various industries to advise and provide feedback, and develop strategies that will foster the growth and development of the golf industry in Singapore. The task force will identify and address challenges facing the industry, as well as develop and advise on implementation of ideas and solutions that will improve the golf ecosystem in Singapore.

The Athlete Development Pathway Task Force (ADPTF) provides advice to the SGA on matters relating to elite golfers, who have represented Singapore at major international competitions, on their entire pathway from development to competition and career opportunities after retirement.