Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct

SGA Secretariat
January 2024

1. This Code of Conduct applies to National , Junior National, Development and Junior Development Squad members participating in all overseas and local tournaments, championships, major activities, events and competitions organized or sanctioned by the SGA. This is in addition to any other requirements expected of players as laid out in the tournament conditions, local rules or bye-laws of hosting clubs.


  1. General
    a. Members of the National , Junior National, Development and Junior Development Squad must adhere to commonly accepted standards of golfing etiquette and sportsmanship whenever they participate in a competition.
  2. In order to ensure proper standards of behaviour at all times, a player who commits an offence under this Code is liable to face disciplinary proceedings.
  1. Definitions and Interpretation
  2. “SGA” means the Singapore Golf Association;
  3. “accused player” means the player accused of an offence under this Code;
  4. “Code” means this Code of Conduct;
  5. “Organising Committee” means the committee appointed by SGA to organize a competition;
  6. “competition” means an overseas or local championship, event, competition, practice session or major activity organized or sanctioned by SGA;
  7. “Investigating Officer” means a person appointed by the SGA to investigate a report;
  8. “report” means any oral or written statement by any person of an alleged offence by a player under this Code;
  9. “player” means a player or participant in a competition;
  10. “Disciplinary Board” means the SGA Disciplinary Working-Group, appointed by the Executive Board of SGA, which will convene to consider, hear and determine a report referred to the Disciplinary Working-Group under this Code;
  11. “Executive Board” refers to the Executive Board of the SGA.
  12. An act is deemed to occur:
  13. when traveling to or from a competition/training;
  14. on any qualifying or practice day for a competition/training; or

iii. on any day during which the competition/training is conducted.


Please Click Here to view the Code of Conduct Offences


Discipline procedures

First Warning:

  • Written warning issued by coach via email to squad member.
  • 1 minute plank, 20 push ups and a run for entire training squad at that session
  • Examples include, but are not limited to:
  • Being Late
  • not doing your warmup
  • leaving facilities in a mess
  • Not using a sand bottle/bag when on course
  • Being asked to put your phone away more than once


  • Written notice issued by coach via email to squad member.
  • 1 month suspension from ALL SGA activities
  • 2 written warnings (within 3 months) = 1 yellow card
  • Compulsory Meeting with the SGA HP Team
  • Immediate Yellow card offences include, but are not limited to:
  • Not Showing up, without giving notice
  • Statistics on Upgame not input within 2 days of a tournament round
  • Tournament Reflection form not completed within 2 days of tournament ending
  • Tournament results not submitted by the 5th of the month for OOM calculation.


  • Written notice issued by coach via email to squad member.
  • 3-month suspension from ALL SGA activities
  • 2 yellow cards = 1 red card
  • Compulsory Meeting with the SGA HP Team & T&D Committee
  • Automatic Red card offences include, but are not limited to:
  • Deliberately breaks the Rules of Golf
  • Deliberately returns false score
  • Found in the accommodation of a player of an opposite gender, unless allowed

Expulsion (2 Red Cards in a year = Expulsion)

  • Written notice issued to squad member.
  • Immediate suspension and meeting with disciplinary committee from SGA to decide if the severity of the offence is such that an immediate Expulsion is appropriate.
  • ANY red card offence can lead to Expulsion if the severity is deemed high enough.
  1. Reporting and Consideration
  2. Any report made to the SGA or the Organising Committee during or after the competition will be referred to an Investigating Officer.
  3. The Investigating Officer will carry out a preliminary investigation and gather all the facts of the complaint. These may include interviewing the accused player and getting a written report from him.
  4. The Investigating Officer will present this initial report to the SGA Training and Selection Sub-Committee which will then deliberate whether:
  5. No further action should be taken; or
  6. To refer the report to the Disciplinary Working-Group.

d.Upon receiving a report, the Disciplinary Working-Group must determine whether:

  1. To dismiss the report; or
  2. To convene a hearing in relation to the report.
  3. If the Disciplinary Working-Group determines to convene a hearing in relation to the report, it must give at least 7 days written notice to the accused player stating:
  4. The date, time and place at which it will hear and determine the report;
  5. Brief of the report;

iii. That the accused player is entitled to be assisted or represented by another person.

  1. Disciplinary Hearing
  2. At the commencement of the hearing, the Chairman of the Disciplinary Working-Group will read out the report and the alleged offence by the accused player under this Code.
  3. If the accused player is not present at the hearing, the Disciplinary Working-Group may:
  4. Proceed to hear and determine the report and the penalty (if any) to be imposed; or
  5. Adjourn the hearing of the report for such period determined by the Disciplinary Working-Group and must give written notice of the time and place when the hearing will resume.
  6. If the accused player is present, the Chairman will ask the accused player whether he wishes to admit or deny the alleged offence.
  7. If the accused player admits the alleged offence, the Disciplinary Working-Group will deliberate the penalty and then announce the penalty to be imposed on the accused player.
  8. If the accused player denies the alleged offence, he may give evidence and bring any relevant witnesses to support his case.
  9. After the presentation of evidence and hearing any final submissions by the accused player, the Disciplinary Working-Group must determine whether the accused player is guilty of an offence under this Code and the penalty to be imposed on the accused player.
  10. The Disciplinary Working-Group will then announce its decision to the accused player.
  11. Right of Appeal
  12. A player may appeal the decision of the Disciplinary Working-Group to the Executive Board by giving written notice to SGA within 7 days of the date of decision by the Disciplinary Working-Group.
  13. In the event of an appeal, the Executive Board will re-hear the report at such a time and in such a manner as the Executive Board deems appropriate. A quorum of at least three members of the Executive Board must be present to hear an appeal.
  14. Upon re-hearing a report, the Executive Board may affirm, vary or substitute the decision as it may deem appropriate.
  15. The Executive Board’s decision is final.
  16. Penalties
  17. In the event that a player is found guilty of an offence under this Code, one or a combination of the following penalties may be imposed:
  18. Expelled from the National , Junior National, Development and Junior Development Squad
  19. Deprived of benefits that are given as part of National , Junior National, Development and Junior Development Squad member for a given period of time;

iii. Suspended from representing the country for a number of tournaments or a period of time (the number and period to be decided by the Disciplinary Board);

  1. Disqualified from a tournament;
  2. Given a severe reprimand.